Camp Gan Izzy is open to any Jewish child who seeks an exciting summer in a Safe, Fun & Jewish atmosphere. Families from all walks of Jewish life attend the camp, including members of the Synagogues and Temples in the Triangle area and unaffiliated members of our community.
The camp program is 5 days per week
Mon-Thu: 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM.
Friday: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Camp Gan Izzy is a three-week camp from August 12 – August 30. You can sign up for 1,2 or all 3 weeks.
Available Weeks
Week 1
August 12 - August 16
Week 2
August 19 - August 23
Week 3
August 26 - August 30
$400 per week
15% Off Early bird price
$25 dollars off sibling discount per additional sibling.
All trips and activities are provided at no extra cost.